View Full Version : Cataclysm 4.0.6a Blizzlike

29-03-11, 11:48 PM
Cataclysm 4.0.6a Repack
About the Repack:
This is a SkyFire Emu (http://www.projectskyfire.org/) repack, with a SkyFire Emu DB. SkyFire is made with CactusEmu and Trinity. Which most of the tables are the same as they were in 3.3.5a (for now) so teleporter, mall, and item SQLs will work fine with this. If you were looking for a Cataclysm repack that has everything spawned and working correctly then come back in a few months. More or less this is an instant setup repack, all you need to do is extract it somewhere and run the correct files. Also this is Jeutie's thread layout, it looked nice.

What is included?
♦ Support for 4.0.6a Cataclysm
♦ SkyFire Emu Core - Latest When Appropriate
♦ SkyFire Emu DB - Latest

♦ Spells - About 90% Working, New ones are Iffy.
♦ Quests - About 50% Working, Correctly is another story.
♦ Talents - About 80% Working, Correctly that is.

♦ Spawns - About 40% Spawned, Just spawned.
♦ New Areas - Open to everyone! Fatigue in Vash'jir (vmaps needed)
♦ Old Instances - Taken from Trinity but no longer being updated
♦ New Instances - Cataclysm instances are opened, just not spawned

♦ Battlegrounds - Untested, reports say crashy
♦ Arenas - Untested, guessing its crashy
♦ Guilds - Partially Working, no perks or achievements work yet
♦ Archaeology - Untested, I imagine not working yet


Login Information:
In-Game Login:

♦ Username: admin
♦ Password: admin


♦ Username: root
♦ Password: trinity

You can create a new account in the worldserver application by typing in ""

Issues? Can't get it to work?
• MSVCR100.dll - You need to download this x32 (http://download.microsoft.com/download/5/B/C/5BC5DBB3-652D-4DCE-B14A-475AB85EEF6E/vcredist_x86.exe), x64 (http://download.microsoft.com/download/3/2/2/3224B87F-CFA0-4E70-BDA3-3DE650EFEBA5/vcredist_x64.exe).

• Closes instantly on startup - Check in the "server.log" in the "logs" folder.

• Closes and server.log is useless - Open CMD, drag the .exe into it, it will give the full error to you.

• It says MySQL can not be found? - Open the "Server" folder and run "MySQL.bat".

• SQL errors on making characters? - You need to stop screwing around with the character db.

• How do I make an account? - See the Login Information box above.

• NPCs are all named unknown! - You need to patch your wow with the included patcher in the "Tools" folder.

• Cataclysm Repack v1.3 - MediaFire (http://www.mediafire.com/?k8xk5fa4mi3uvxe)
• Cataclysm Repack v1.0 - MediaFire (http://www.mediafire.com/?tu2jzx2y2patdrj)
• vMaps - MediaFire (http://www.mediafire.com/?cpa3za1fuzsauto)
• Maps - MediaFire (http://www.mediafire.com/?j37375bwjcabs1a)

v1.3 - Fixed many spells, non-targetable fix, supposed RA fix, many crashes, and beginning currency fixes.
Lite Version Removed - DB Issue, fixing
v1.0 - Generic Release

Not sure why I made a video, I mean you must have the things installed above,
and patch your client... THEN You do this. Its NOT that
YouTube - 4.0.6a Repack Instructions (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yuE6SUXmKus)
Credits to Tsoforever2

30-03-11, 04:50 AM
So basicly you have just rushed this thourgh like all the other. Cant you guy make something that works instead of just rushing them out at 2 a min and saying yay look at me ive got a repack out. I'm but you lot call yourself pro but yet in the months of useing repacks not a one has work normal and them that do work are very very buggy. Make a repack that works instead of just getting the basic to work.

31-03-11, 04:39 PM
First off, stop *****ing. Second 95% of the time the people who are posting repacks are neither programmers/contributors to the emu, or makers of the Db. So they repack stuff for easy setup for people. So when you see the repacks they are just new revisions of the core and db. If you want it fixed wait until those get updated with the fixes you want, or go contribute some fixes. This is all done for free, by people who have lives other than this. If you want to know if something is fixed, go check the emulator core or DB changelogs, otherwise stop complaining.

31-03-11, 06:33 PM
Fair point i didnt know that was the case and thanks for filling me in. I have asked from time to time on how to update my db but no one seem to help thats why i was making the complaint. Once agian thanks for seting me stright.

08-04-11, 11:15 AM
They do have tutorials on how to compile the core files. Usually you need to use either linux or a program that can emulate linux's commands. It depends on how interested or motivated you are.

Yuki Horten
11-04-11, 05:48 PM
got your repack great job. +R, I have a question, i have HeidiSQL to manage the db. what i woudl like to know is how do i set quest to where they will auto complete. since some doesn't work correctly.

13-05-11, 04:21 PM
They do have tutorials on how to compile the core files. Usually you need to use either linux or a program that can emulate linux's commands. It depends on how interested or motivated you are.

Linux is little more complex than windows. I have Ubuntu, but I only use it when I'm doing server stuff so I might have a use for linux after all for this type of stuff for wow...lol Right now I have Windows and Linux installed on one unit, primary 500 gig split into 2 partions; linux and windows.

Of course I know you're gonna say good for you, nice, yayaya....lol

Just saying linux is little more complex but really not made for gaming mostly business :P

I'm gonna try this repack and see if I can spawn some mobs for yas and give a helping hand on spawning them, but I have to figure out which npc has what quest and what quest follow up. That isnt easy to find...

---------- Post added at 05:21 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:14 PM ----------

I just tried to download the files and its saying low resources so that isn't good at all.....

05-06-11, 07:41 PM
When I got to start the authserver and worldserver I get this error: The application was unable to start correctly (0xc000007b). Click OK to close the application.

How do I fix this?

05-06-11, 08:29 PM
do you have the required stuff like microsoft visual credit and .net framework 4.0 installed?

05-06-11, 08:34 PM
Yes I do. And still gives error :|

22-02-12, 04:55 PM
Nice Job