View Full Version : [GoodBye]Leaving Emulation

16-07-09, 05:11 PM
I would like to state and in full apology to the community. That I after quite a while of thinking, I believe its time for me to leave World of warcraft emulation. I've been one who has always been fascinated with computers, and the way they work. I enjoy programming a lot and in my absense I plan to study programming to a greater extent and give myself a better knowledge of it. I hope to bring myself into programming on actual proffesional programs as i increase my skill in knowledge. Some of you who know me probably don't like this very much, and im sorry. I just kinda feel like this is what I need to do. Some day i may return to the community but theres no telling if so or when. Good bye and if anyone wants to talk hit me up on msn i won't have a problem helping anyone out if they need it.

20-09-09, 08:23 AM
Good bye ;)

20-09-09, 12:11 PM
kthxbye :(

20-09-09, 04:03 PM
Good Bye, I didn't know you but you sound like a nice guy!

I can tell you that you can do both. But Do what feels right :D

~By Ducky

21-09-09, 05:07 PM
have a nice day ;D well hope i see you soon again your one of the few guys that know how a emulator really works here :D

25-09-09, 10:25 AM
Sad to see one of the better emu coders who are not bent on emu domination go but hey go do whats right.

05-10-09, 06:20 PM
Good Bye

22-11-09, 12:57 PM
Sorry for being late, just got back from my abscence... I've been following you since your first releases on ******* and I've really seen you developing your skills and your knowledge, sad to see you go. But I know you are doing what is feeling right for you.

Good Luck in life.