View Full Version : [C++]Event Checkpoint Guide

07-07-09, 02:45 AM
Event Checkpoint Guide

by mager

I will teach you to make an npc that
will teleport you to your checkpoint
location all you need to do is create
a quest for each checkpoint you wish
to have

ok for our first bit of it lets put this

#include "StdAfx.h"
#include "Setup.h"

class SCRIPT_DECL Event : public GossipScript
void GossipHello(Object * pObject, Player* Plr, bool AutoSend);
void GossipSelectOption(Object * pObject, Player* Plr, uint32 Id, uint32 IntId, const char * Code);
void GossipEnd(Object * pObject, Player* Plr);
void Destroy()
delete this;

k now we did that which is kinda just the
starting of the scripts its really absolutly
nothing to the actual NPC

lets make some menu selections for it

void Event::GossipHello(Object * pObject, Player* Plr, bool AutoSend)
GossipMenu *Menu;
objmgr.CreateGossipMenuForPlayer(&Menu, pObject->GetGUID(), 1, Plr);
Menu->AddItem(5, "Take me to my checkpoint!", 1);
if you wish you can aswell add a line like this after that

Menu->AddItem(5, "What is my objective", 2);
now they have something that will exist when they
speak to your check point porter

after that line add this


void Prison::GossipSelectOption(Object * pObject, Player* Plr, uint32 Id, uint32 IntId, const char * Code)
Creature * pCreature = (pObject->GetTypeId()==TYPEID_UNIT)?((Creature*)pObject):NUL L;

excellent and now we make the check points
first off make sure you have a quest for
each check point if not make them now

then we do this

case 0: // Return to start
GossipHello(pCreature, Plr, true);
case 1: // Teleport Down
if (Plr->HasFinishedQuest(QuestID) == false){
Plr->EventTeleport(0, X , Y, Z);
else if (Plr->HasFinishedQuest(QuestID) == false && Plr->HasFinishedQuest(400001) == true) {
Plr->EventTeleport(0, X, Y, Z);

just re add this line for a new quest to be added

else if (Plr->HasFinishedQuest(QuestID) == false && Plr->HasFinishedQuest(400001) == true) {
Plr->EventTeleport(0, X, Y, Z);

and you can make as many check points as you wish : )

if you added teh otehr menu item then this is what you do

case 2: // Information
Plr->BroadcastMessage("Fill in Event info here");
there now finish this script off with



void Event::GossipEnd(Object * pObject, Player* Plr)
GossipScript::GossipEnd(pObject, Plr);

void SetupEvent(ScriptMgr * mgr)
GossipScript * gs = (GossipScript*) new Event();
mgr->register_gossip_script([MOBENTRYID], gs);
and thats my guide well
thanks for listening please leave feedback : )

07-07-09, 04:26 AM
nice +Rep ;)