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07-07-09, 01:47 AM
Magers Script Archive

C++ Scripts

Donator Commands

#AddItem <ItemId>
#Announce <Message>
#Teleport <PlayerName>
#Port <mapid> <x> <y> <z>

#include "StdAfx.h"
#include "Setup.h"
#include <string>

#####Created by Mager1794######
######Donator Commands#########

Command List

#AddItem <ItemId>
#Announce <Message>
#Teleport <PlayerName>
#Port <mapid> <x> <y> <z>


bool FindCommand(string Message, string Command)
int i = Message.find(Command);
if(i != string::npos)
return true;
return false;

bool IsDonator(Player * pPlayer)
QueryResult * qres = CharacterDatabase.Query("SELECT * FROM `accounts` WHERE `acct` = '%s' and `gm` = 'Donator';", pPlayer->GetSession()->GetAccountId());
if(!qres == NULL)
return true;
return false;

bool CommandCheck(const char * Message)
return true;
return false;

void DonorAnnounceCommand(const char* Message, Player * pPlayer)
string commandname = "#Announce";
string command = Message;
if(!FindCommand(command, commandname))
string Variable = command.replace(command.find(command),commandname. size()+1,"");
const char * announce = (const char *)Variable.c_str();
if(announce == NULL)

char * msg;
sprintf(msg, "[Donator]%s: %s", pPlayer->GetName(), announce);


void DonorPort(const char* Message, Player * pPlayer)
string commandname = "#Port";

string command = Message;
if(!FindCommand(command, commandname))
string Variable = command.replace(command.find(command),commandname. size()+1,"");
const char * args = (const char *)Variable.c_str();
float x, y, z;
uint32 mapid;
if(sscanf(args, "%u %f %f %f", (unsigned int*)&mapid, &x, &y, &z) != 4)
if(x >= _maxX || x <= _minX || y <= _minY || y >= _maxY)

LocationVector vec(x, y, z);
pPlayer->SafeTeleport(mapid, 0, vec);

void TeleportToFriendCommand(const char* Message, Player * pPlayer)
string commandname = "#Teleport";
string command = Message;
if(!FindCommand(command, commandname))
string Variable = command.replace(command.find(command),commandname. size()+1,"");
const char * charname = (const char *)Variable.c_str();

Player * Target = objmgr.GetPlayer(charname, false);
pPlayer->BroadcastMessage("Player doesn't exist");
if(pPlayer->GetTeam() != Target->GetTeam())
pPlayer->BroadcastMessage("That player is not the same faction as you");
pPlayer->BroadcastMessage("You cannot teleport to a GM");
if(Target->GetName() == pPlayer->GetName())
pPlayer->BroadcastMessage("You cannot teleport to yourself");
float nx = pPlayer->GetPositionX();
float ny = pPlayer->GetPositionY();
float nz = pPlayer->GetPositionZ();
Target->BroadcastMessage("%s is teleporting to you...", pPlayer->GetName());
pPlayer->EventTeleport(Target->GetMapId(), Target->GetPositionX(), Target->GetPositionY(), Target->GetPositionZ());
if(nx == pPlayer->GetPositionX()|| ny == pPlayer->GetPositionY()|| nz == pPlayer->GetPositionZ())
pPlayer->BroadcastMessage("Teleportation failed...");

void AddItemCommand(const char * Message, Player * pPlayer)
string commandname = "#AddItem";
string command = Message;
if(!FindCommand(command, commandname))
string Variable = command.replace(command.find(command),commandname. size()+1,"");
const char * strid = (const char *)Variable.c_str();
uint32 id = strlen(strid);

pPlayer->GetItemInterface()->AddItemToFreeSlot(objmgr.CreateItem(id, pPlayer));

void DonatorCommands(Player * pPlayer, uint32 Type, uint32 Lang, const char * Message, const char * Misc)
if(IsDonator(pPlayer) || pPlayer->GetSession()->HasGMPermissions())
if(Config.MainConfig.GetBoolDefault("DonatorCommands", "AddItem", true))
AddItemCommand(Message, pPlayer);
if(Config.MainConfig.GetBoolDefault("DonatorCommands", "Tele2Friend", true))
TeleportToFriendCommand(Message, pPlayer);
if(Config.MainConfig.GetBoolDefault("DonatorCommands", "Announce", true))
if(Config.MainConfig.GetBoolDefault("DonatorCommands", "Port", true))
pPlayer->BroadcastMessage("You must be a donator to use this command");

void SetupDonatorCommands(ScriptMgr * mgr)
mgr->register_hook(SERVER_HOOK_EVENT_ON_CHAT, &DonatorCommands);

# Donator Command Settings
# AddItem
# Set to 1 if you wish to allow donators to
# use the '#AddItem' command and to 0 if
# if you don't want them to.
# Default: 1
# Tele2Friend
# Set to 1 if you wish to allow donators to
# use the '#Teleport' command and to 0 if
# if you don't want them to.
# Default: 1
# Announce
# Set to 1 if you wish to allow donators to
# use the '#Announce' command and to 0 if
# if you don't want them to.
# Default: 1
# Port
# Set to 1 if you wish to allow donators to
# use the '#Port' command and to 0 if
# if you don't want them to.
# Default: 1

<DonatorCommands AddItem = "1"
Tele2Friend = "1"
Announce = "1"
Port = "1">
Game Master Message Of The Day

#include "StdAfx.h"
#include "Setup.h"

void GMMotd(Player * pPlayer)
pPlayer->BroadcastMessage((Config.MainConfig.GetStringDefau lt("Custom", "GMMotd", "Welcome to [Server Name]").c_str()));

void SetupGameMasterMotd(ScriptMgr * mgr)
mgr->register_hook(SERVER_HOOK_EVENT_ON_ENTER_WORLD, &GMMotd);
Config File

# Custom Settings
# GMMotd
# This is a GM Message of the day works the same
# exact way as a normal Motd - Mager1794
# Default: "No Game Master Motd Specified"
# GMMotd Activated
# Set to 1 to turn on Game master message of the day
# Default: "0"

<Custom GMMotd="No Game Master Motd Specified" GMMotdActivated="1">Advanced Mob

**********Created By Mager*******************
********Advanced Mob Script******************
********Created for *************************

#define CN_ADVANCEDMOB 100015
#define FIRECAST 38692///Choose a normal firespell
#define FIREAOE 27086///Choose a AoE Firespell
#define FROSTCAST 38697//Choose a normal frostspell
#define FROSTAOE 27384//Choose a AoE frostspell
#define SHADOWCAST 27209//Choose a normal Shadow Spell
#define SHADOWAOE 30414// Choose a shadow AoE spell
#define FIRESHIELD 30663//Choose a firebased mage-shield ex."Molten Armor"
#define FROSTSHIELD 27124//Choose a frostbased mage-shield ex. "Ice Armor"
#define SHADOWSHIELD 27260//Choose a shadowbased mage-shield ex. "Demon Skin" p.s. yes i know its warlock but you get the point
#define FIRESUMMON 40133//Choose a fire pet to summon (shammy spells have fire elements)
#define FROSTSUMMON 45067//Choose a frost pet to summon, "Summon Water Elemental" is good
#define SHADOWSUMMON 34237//Choose a shadow pet to summon, usually a warlocks demon
//Start talking to people about how awesome mager is and how much you know it XD

class AdvancedMobAI : CreatureAIScript
MafiaSpellWeaverAI(Creature* pCreature) : CreatureAIScript(pCreature)
m_fire = m_frost = m_shadow = false;
m_cast = m_aoe = m_shield = m_summon = true;

void ChooseSpec()
int RandType;
switch (RandType)
case 0:
m_fire = true;
infocast = dbcSpell.LookupEntry(FIRECAST);
infoaoe = dbcSpell.LookupEntry(FIREAOE);
infoshield = dbcSpell.LookupEntry(FIRESHIELD);
infosummon = dbcSpell.LookupEntry(FIRESUMMON);
case 1:
m_frost = true;
infocast = dbcSpell.LookupEntry(FROSTCAST);
infoaoe = dbcSpell.LookupEntry(FROSTAOE);
infoshield = dbcSpell.LookupEntry(FROSTSHIELD);
infosummon = dbcSpell.LookupEntry(FROSTSUMMON);
case 2:
m_shadow = true;
infocast = dbcSpell.LookupEntry(SHADOWCAST);
infoaoe = dbcSpell.LookupEntry(SHADOWAOE);
infoshield = dbcSpell.LookupEntry(SHADOWSHIELD);
infosummon = dbcSpell.LookupEntry(SHADOWSUMMON);

void OnCombatStart(Unit* mTarget)
_unit->CastSpell(_unit, infoshield, false);
m_shield = false;

int RandType;
switch (RandType)
case 0:
_unit->SendChatMessage(CHAT_MSG_MONSTER_YELL, LANG_UNIVERSAL, "Stop them they threaten our plans!!");



void OnCombatStop(Unit *mTarget)


void OnDied(Unit * mKiller)

void AIUpdate()
uint32 val = RandomUInt(1000);

void SpellCast(uint32 val)
if(_unit->GetCurrentSpell() == NULL && _unit->GetAIInterface()->GetNextTarget())//_unit->getAttackTarget())
_unit->CastSpell(_unit->GetAIInterface()->GetNextTarget(), infocast, false);
m_cast = false;

_unit->CastSpell(_unit->GetAIInterface()->GetNextTarget(), infoaoe, false);
m_aoe = false;

_unit->CastSpell(_unit->GetAIInterface()->GetNextTarget(), infosummon, false);
m_summon = false;

if(val >= 1 && val <= 499)
_unit->setAttackTimer(2000, false);
m_cast = true;

if(val >= 500 && val <= 700)
_unit->setAttackTimer(3000, false);
m_summon = true;

if(val >= 701 && val <= 1000)
_unit->setAttackTimer(4000, false);
m_aoe = true;


bool m_cast;
bool m_aoe;
bool m_fire;
bool m_frost;
bool m_shadow;
bool m_summon;
bool m_shield;
SpellEntry *infocast, *infoaoe, *infoshield, *infosummon;

void SetupAdvancedMobScriptMgr * mgr)
mgr->register_creature_script(CN_ADVANCEDMOB, &AdvancedMobAI::Create);
Walk Through Portal

Walk Through Teleporter
This is a portal created for easy editing of everything in it.
All you have to do is change the variables at the top of the script.

Script Created by Mager1794

#include "StdAfx.h"
#include "Setup.h"
//Change these/////
#define GAMEOBJECT_ID 69999//change the number '699999' to what ever your game objects id is
#define REQUIRED_LEVEL 0//leave at 0 for no required level
#define QUEST_ID 0//leave at 0 for no required quest, or change to quest id
#define AREA_OF_PORTAL 2.0f//How far you need to be standing from the portal for it to actually port you default: 2
#define MAPID 1
#define X -2717.848877f//change the number to your teleport coords X value
#define Y -4971.158203f//change the number to your teleport coords Y value
#define Z 49.0f//change the number to your teleport coords Z value
#define O 0.592975f//change the number to your teleport coords Orientation value

class WalkThroughPortalName : public GameObjectAIScript
WalkThroughPortalName(GameObject* goinstance) : GameObjectAIScript( goinstance ) {}
static GameObjectAIScript *Create(GameObject * GO)
return new WalkThroughPortalName(GO);

void OnSpawn()

void AIUpdate()
Player * plr = _gameobject->GetMapMgr()->GetInterface()->GetPlayerNearestCoords(_gameobject->GetPositionX(), _gameobject->GetPositionY(), _gameobject->GetPositionZ());
if(plr->getLevel() >= REQUIRED_LEVEL|| REQUIRED_LEVEL == 0)
if(plr->HasFinishedQuest(QUEST_ID) || QUEST_ID == 0)
if(_gameobject->CalcDistance( _gameobject, plr ) <= AREA_OF_PORTAL) // You need to standing 2 meters from the actual center of the pink ring
plr->SafeTeleport(MAPID, plr->GetInstanceID(), X, Y, X, O);
plr->BroadcastMessage("You must have completed quest with quest id %s", QUEST_ID);
plr->BroadcastMessage("You must be level %s to teleport here", REQUIRED_LEVEL);

void SetupWalkThroughTeleport(ScriptMgr * mgr)
mgr->register_gameobject_script(GAMEOBJECT_ID, &WalkThroughPortalName::Create);
}LevelCast (Level Yell)

#include "StdAfx.h"
#include "Setup.h"

///////////////////////GM Chat Commands//////////////////////
static string lvlon = "#levelyell";
static bool b_lvlon = true;

void LevelCommands(Player * pPlayer, uint32 Type, uint32 Lang, const char * Message, const char * Misc)
if(Message == lvlon && pPlayer->GetSession()->HasGMPermissions())
char message[200];
if(b_lvlon = true)
b_lvlon = false;
sprintf(message,"[LevelCast] GM %s has disabled LevelCast", pPlayer->GetName());
pPlayer->BroadcastMessage("You have turned off LevelCast");
else if(b_lvlon = false)
b_lvlon = true;
sprintf(message,"[LevelCast] GM %s has enabled LevelCast", pPlayer->GetName());
pPlayer->BroadcastMessage("You have turned on LevelCast");


void Level(Player * pPlayer)
if(b_lvlon = true)
char * message;
sprintf(message, "DING!!!, Yay i've reached level %s.", pPlayer->getLevel());
pPlayer->SendChatMessage(CHAT_MSG_YELL,LANG_UNIVERSAL, message);

void SetupLevelUp(ScriptMgr * mgr)
mgr->register_hook(SERVER_HOOK_EVENT_ON_POST_LEVELUP, &Level);
mgr->register_hook(SERVER_HOOK_EVENT_ON_CHAT, &LevelCommands);
}Free For All Pvp

#include "StdAfx.h"
#include "Setup.h"

void FirstLogin(Player* plr)

void SetupLogin(ScriptMgr * mgr)
mgr->register_hook(SERVER_HOOK_EVENT_ON_FIRST_ENTER_WOR LD, (void*)FirstLogin);
}Guild Wars


// Guild Wars
// by Mager1794
// Transcendent Scripting
#include "StdAfx.h"
#include "Setup.h"

class SCRIPT_DECL GuildWar : public GossipScript
void GossipHello(Object * pObject, Player* Plr, bool AutoSend);
void GossipSelectOption(Object * pObject, Player* Plr, uint32 Id, uint32 IntId, const char * Code);
void GossipEnd(Object * pObject, Player* Plr);
void Destroy()
delete this;

bool ChecksPassed(Player * pPlayer, uint32 guilda, uint32 guildb, bool war)
return false;
else if(pPlayer->GetGuild()->GetGuildLeader() == pPlayer->GetGUID())
pPlayer->BroadcastMessage("You must be the guild leader in order to use this function");
return false;
else if(!guilda)
pPlayer->BroadcastMessage("You are not in a guild");
return false;
else if(!guildb)
pPlayer->BroadcastMessage("You did not specify a guild");
return false;
else if(guilda == guildb)
pPlayer->BroadcastMessage("You cannot declare war on your own guild");
return false;
const char * guildA = objmgr.GetGuild(guilda)->GetGuildName();
const char * guildB = objmgr.GetGuild(guildb)->GetGuildName();
char * message;
sprintf(message, "[Guild Wars] %s has declared war on %s", guildA,guildB);
sprintf(message, "[Guild Wars] %s has declared peace with %s", guildA,guildB);
return true;

void GuildWar::GossipHello(Object * pObject, Player* Plr, bool AutoSend)
GossipMenu *Menu;
objmgr.CreateGossipMenuForPlayer(&Menu, pObject->GetGUID(), 2593, Plr);
Menu->AddItem(1, "Propose A Guild War", 1, 1);
Menu->AddItem(1, "Propose A Guild Peace", 1, 2);
Menu->AddItem(1, "Exit Menu", 1, 3);


void GuildWar::GossipSelectOption(Object* pObject, Player* Plr, uint32 Id, uint32 IntId, const char * Code)
case 0:
GossipHello(pObject, Plr, true);
case 1:
Plr->BroadcastMessage("You must enter a guild a name");
uint32 enemy = objmgr.GetGuildByGuildName(Code)->GetGuildId();
uint32 friendly = Plr->GetGuildId();
if(ChecksPassed(Plr, friendly, enemy, true))
WorldDatabase.Query("INSERT INTO `guild_wars` VALUES('%s','%s');",friendly,enemy);
WorldDatabase.Query("INSERT INTO `guild_wars` VALUES('%s','%s');",enemy,friendly);
case 2:
Plr->BroadcastMessage("You must enter a guild a name");
uint32 enemy = objmgr.GetGuildByGuildName(Code)->GetGuildId();
uint32 friendly = Plr->GetGuildId();
if(ChecksPassed(Plr, friendly, enemy, false))
WorldDatabase.Query("DELETE FROM `guild_wars` WHERE `aguild ='%s' AND `bguild`='%s');",friendly,enemy);
WorldDatabase.Query("DELETE FROM `guild_wars` WHERE `aguild ='%s' AND `bguild`='%s';",enemy,friendly);
case 3:
GossipEnd(pObject, Plr);

void GuildWar::GossipEnd(Object * pObject, Player* Plr)
GossipScript::GossipEnd(pObject, Plr);

bool IsGuildAtWar(uint32 aguild, uint32 vguild)
if(aguild = vguild)
return false;
QueryResult * res = WorldDatabase.Query("SELECT * FROM `guild_wars` WHERE `aguild` ='%s' AND `bguild` ='%s';", aguild, vguild);
if(res == NULL)
return false;
Field * guilds = res->Fetch();
if(guilds == NULL)
return false;
return true;

void AddGold(uint32 gold, Player * Plr)
uint32 gamm = Plr->GetUInt32Value(PLAYER_FIELD_COINAGE);
uint32 goldammount = gamm + gold;
Plr->SetUInt32Value(PLAYER_FIELD_COINAGE, gamm);

void TakeGold(uint32 gold, Player * Plr)
int32 gamm = Plr->GetUInt32Value(PLAYER_FIELD_COINAGE);
int32 goldammount;
goldammount = gamm - gold;
Plr->SetUInt32Value(PLAYER_FIELD_COINAGE, goldammount);

void GuildWarScript(Player* attacker, Player* victim)
uint32 aguild = attacker->GetGuildId();
uint32 vguild = victim->GetGuildId();
if(IsGuildAtWar(aguild, vguild))
AddGold(10000, attacker);
TakeGold(5000, victim);

void SetupGuildWars(ScriptMgr * mgr)
GossipScript * gs = (GossipScript*) new GuildWar();
mgr->register_item_gossip_script(61000, gs);
mgr->register_hook(SERVER_HOOK_EVENT_ON_KILL_PLAYER, (void*)GuildWarScript);

CREATE TABLE "guild_wars" (
"aguild" text,
"bguild" text

LOCK TABLES "guild_wars" WRITE;

Staff Application Script

Staff Application Script (http://filebeam.com/1ca067b4c6a407a7c3b50b652397c502)

Terms of Use Page

Terms of Use Page (http://filebeam.com/52b92da33c17cfc0da686b9dc7923860)

10-07-09, 09:29 PM
Thanks again lol. More examples to learn from :)