View Full Version : Stepping Into C++

07-07-09, 01:42 AM
Stepping into C++ by Mager1794

Table of Contents

1. Introduction to C++ or Introduction to Suicide
2. Writing Gossip Scripts
3. Game Object AI...
4. Artificial Intelligence
5. Playing with Hooks... Is it dangerous?
6. C++ Command info
7. Credits

1. Introduction to C++ or Introduction to Suicide

In this guide im gonna help you learn C++. C++ is an easy language just
everyone needs there stepping stone into it. So here is where i come in
im teaching everything that i learned on my own to step into C++ and makin
it easier for you.
Follow this tutorial to make a project http://www.************/forums/emulator-server-guides/133969-how-compile-dll-video.html (http://www.************/forums/emulator-server-guides/133969-how-compile-dll-video.html)
dont do the DLL compiling part just get your self a project file fully set up with the Setup.h and Setup.cpp

2. Writing Gossip Scripts

Now C++ Gossip Scripts is kinda like LUA Gossip scripts only im good at the C++
ones lol
well lets start with a basic Gossip Script a simple WarpNPC
Ok well every Gossip Script must begin like this

#include "StdAfx.h"
#include "Setup.h"
#ifdef WIN32
#pragma warning(disable:4305)

class SCRIPT_DECL GlobalNPC : public GossipScript
void GossipHello(Object * pObject, Player* Plr, bool AutoSend);
void GossipSelectOption(Object * pObject, Player* Plr, uint32 Id, uint32 IntId, const char * Code);
void GossipEnd(Object * pObject, Player* Plr);
void Destroy()
delete this;
notice "class SCRIPT_DECL GlobalNPC : public" creates a new class if your
using a C++ editor programm you can probably click a"-" button that hides it
every gossip script requires this code above but note the "GlobalNPC" thats the
name of it you can change that to what ever you wish as long as you change the
setup at the bottom which we will get to later
now lets add this to our script

void GlobalNPC::GossipHello(Object * pObject, Player* Plr, bool AutoSend)
GossipMenu *Menu;
objmgr.CreateGossipMenuForPlayer(&Menu, pObject->GetGUID(), 1, Plr);


now i know thats practically completely empty this si the part where we get to
add choices to our script lets make it look like this

void GlobalNPC::GossipHello(Object * pObject, Player* Plr, bool AutoSend)
GossipMenu *Menu;
objmgr.CreateGossipMenuForPlayer(&Menu, pObject->GetGUID(), 1, Plr);
Menu->AddItem(5, "Shattrath", 1);
Note how that looks think do you think you understand it good..im telling you
what it means anyway
Menu->AddItem([Put a random number between 1 and 10 this doesn't matter], "[Name of the Selection], [What case it activates when click])
Dont edit anything until we finish this section

void GlobalNPC::GossipSelectOption(Object * pObject, Player* Plr, uint32 Id, uint32 IntId, const char * Code)
Creature * pCreature = (pObject->GetTypeId()==TYPEID_UNIT)?((Creature*)pObject):NUL L;
GossipMenu * Menu;
case 0:
GossipHello(pObject, Plr, true);
ok lets make it look like this

void GlobalNPC::GossipSelectOption(Object * pObject, Player* Plr, uint32 Id, uint32 IntId, const char * Code)
Creature * pCreature = (pObject->GetTypeId()==TYPEID_UNIT)?((Creature*)pObject):NUL L;
GossipMenu * Menu;
case 0:
GossipHello(pObject, Plr, true);
case 1: // Add some random comment after a //
the Plr is basically saying "Person who clicked it"
now Add this after it [no spaces] EventTeleport(mapid, x, y, z);
now change out the (mapid, x, y, z,); with what ever you wish
or to make it shattrath do this (530, -1887.510010, 5359.379883, -12.427300);
Great now were only learning so write now what i want you to do is go out and write your own script for a warp NPC
close the NPC Script off like this

void GlobalNPC::GossipEnd(Object * pObject, Player* Plr)
GossipScript::GossipEnd(pObject, Plr);
void SetupGlobalNPC(ScriptMgr * mgr)
GossipScript * gs = (GossipScript*) new GlobalNPC();
mgr->register_gossip_script([NPCID], gs);

look at "void SetupGlobalNPC(ScriptMgr * mgr)" you should have those setup files made for this to work if not in setup.cpp
make it like this
void SetupGlobalNPC(ScriptMgr * mgr)
and setup.h like this
that ends our gossip NPC scripts chapter remember theres so much more you can
do with gossip scripts just play around with it

3. Game Object AI...

Game Object AI isn't quite as long as Gossip Script and well truly not much
more advanced
im gonna give you a full gameobject script and i want you to study it and then
i will show you how to make them

class TutorialPortal : public GameObjectAIScript
TutorialPortal(GameObject* goinstance) : GameObjectAIScript(goinstance) {}
void OnActivate(Player * Plr)
Plr->SafeTeleport(1, 0, 4627.442383, -3831.523438, 943.386353, 1.220509);
static GameObjectAIScript *Create(GameObject * GO) { return new TutorialPortal(GO); }
GameObjectAIScript * create_go[GOID](GameObject * GO) { return new TutorialPortal(GO); }
void SetupPortalHandler(ScriptMgr * mgr)
mgr->register_gameobject_script([GOID], &TutorialPortal::Create);
now you see where pPlayer->SafeTeleport(1, 0, 4627.442383, -3831.523438, 943.386353, 1.220509); is
simply edit that to the (1, 0, 4627.442383, -3831.523438, 943.386353, 1.220509); to your custom portals
(map, zone, x, y, z, o)
now say you want to limit things to certain people like maybe make guild house compile
you can easily make if functions like this

if(Plr->GetGUID() == 1)
after the "{"
simple start writing code like Plr->SafeTeleport
and stuff
lets look at the registering

void SetupPortalHandler(ScriptMgr * mgr)
mgr->register_gameobject_script([GOID], &TutorialPortal::Create);
its a gameobject script this time so its not gossip scripts like the last one
as long as you do the setups right and the base of the script right then the chances of errors will be highly slim
in setup.h add this under the one in there already
do the same with setup.cpp
void SetupGlobalNPC(ScriptMgr * mgr)
and whala your done with a gameobject script

4. Artificial Intelligence

This really isn't going to be much indepth but it will give you the right idea when your writing your AI Scripts

Heres a script i wrote for a server i used to have that went down
chances are you don't fully understand that, well that just means your in the same position i was in when i first started

class MafiaProtectorAI : CreatureAIScript
MafiaProtectorAI(Creature* pCreature) : CreatureAIScript(pCreature)
m_strike = m_fury = true;
infostrike = dbcSpell.LookupEntry(STORMSTRIKE);
infofury = dbcSpell.LookupEntry(WINDFURY);

void OnCombatStart(Unit* mTarget)
_unit->CastSpell(mTarget, infofury, false);
m_fury = false;
int randAnnounce;
switch (randAnnounce)
case 0:///Edit this message
_unit->SendChatMessage(CHAT_MSG_MONSTER_YELL, LANG_UNIVERSAL, "Intruder!!!!!!!!!!!!!");

case 1://Edit this message
_unit->SendChatMessage(CHAT_MSG_MONSTER_YELL, LANG_UNIVERSAL, "They're After the Jewels Stop them");

void OnCombatStop(Unit *mTarget)


void OnDied(Unit * mKiller)

void AIUpdate()
uint32 val = RandomUInt(1000);

void SpellCast(uint32 val)
if(_unit->GetCurrentSpell() == NULL && _unit->GetAIInterface()->GetNextTarget())//_unit->getAttackTarget())
_unit->CastSpell(_unit->GetAIInterface()->GetNextTarget(), infofury, false);
m_fury = false;

_unit->CastSpell(_unit->GetAIInterface()->GetNextTarget(), infostrike, false);
m_strike = false;


if(val >= 100 && val <= 225)
_unit->setAttackTimer(2000, false);
m_fury = true;
if(val >= 790 && val <= 900)
_unit->setAttackTimer(4000, false);
m_strike = true;


bool m_strike;
bool m_fury;
SpellEntry *infofury, *infostrike;
lets set up a small little template for you to use

class TemplateAI : CreatureAIScript
TemplateAI(Creature* pCreature) : CreatureAIScript(pCreature)


thats our all magical template, now we need functions in it such as OnCombat etc.

in this script were gonna add


those are our basics so enter this under

class TemplateAI : CreatureAIScript
TemplateAI(Creature* pCreature) : CreatureAIScript(pCreature)
Enter this

void OnCombatStart(Unit* mTarget)


void OnCombatStop(Unit *mTarget)


void OnDied(Unit * mKiller)

void AIUpdate()

void SpellCast(uint32 val)


Now that we have that lets start scripting what to happen on combat start

void OnCombatStart(Unit* mTarget)

now with me one thing i hate is anything thats practically garunteed and predictable i hate when there is a lack of options in anything so i like to randomize things and thats exactly what were gonna do for the Chat Messages on combat

were gonna give a 1/4 chance for messages
2 of them will actually be messages while the other 2 will be nothing but silence

so its 1/2 chance to speak 1/4 chance to say a certain message, pretty unpredictable right?

how were gonna do this though is first we'll declare our integer

void OnCombatStart(Unit* mTarget)
int chatMessage;

now we'll use the rand() function to randomize 1-4 and then use the switch function to let it decide the messages

void OnCombatStart(Unit* mTarget)
int chatMessage;
switch (randAnnounce)
case 0:///Edit this message
_unit->SendChatMessage(CHAT_MSG_MONSTER_YELL, LANG_UNIVERSAL, "Intruder!!!!!!!!!!!!!");

case 1://Edit this message
_unit->SendChatMessage(CHAT_MSG_MONSTER_YELL, LANG_UNIVERSAL, "They're After the Jewels Stop them");


if you have yet to notice we are recreating the script from above
but the most important part of the OnCombatStart function is this is
where we Register our AI Update Event
so make the code look like this

void OnCombatStart(Unit* mTarget)
int randAnnounce;
switch (randAnnounce)
case 0:///Edit this message
_unit->SendChatMessage(CHAT_MSG_MONSTER_YELL, LANG_UNIVERSAL, "Intruder!!!!!!!!!!!!!");

case 1://Edit this message
_unit->SendChatMessage(CHAT_MSG_MONSTER_YELL, LANG_UNIVERSAL, "They're After the Jewels Stop them");

case 2://Edit this Message

case 3://Edit this message
notice we registered it to the units BaseAttackTime, basically stating that our AIUpdateEvent is our attack

now that we have that registered most importantly we need to set when it stops
Which is

so those will be the next functions to script

void OnCombatStop(Unit *mTarget)


void OnDied(Unit * mKiller)
make the code look like that

to explain this is pretty much it removes the AIUpdateEvent
and then it sets it to where no AIAgents are on it and its in an
Idle state, rather than attacking

Now in AIUpdate were gonna do some spell casting so lets set up the SpellCast function now

void SpellCast(uint32 val)
okay first lets go to the top of our file and define
our attacks

#define CN_PROTECTOR 100020//Character Entry ID
#define WINDFURY 25584
#define STORMSTRIKE 32175

okay now down to

class MafiaProtectorAI : CreatureAIScript
MafiaProtectorAI(Creature* pCreature) : CreatureAIScript(pCreature)
and make it look like this

class MafiaProtectorAI : CreatureAIScript
MafiaProtectorAI(Creature* pCreature) : CreatureAIScript(pCreature)
m_strike = m_fury = true;
infostrike = dbcSpell.LookupEntry(STORMSTRIKE);
infofury = dbcSpell.LookupEntry(WINDFURY);
and also down to the bottom under where it says


enter this

bool m_strike;
bool m_fury;
SpellEntry *infofury, *infostrike;
basically what we just did is define everything that we will be using in this
script now lets move to the actual SpellCast function

void SpellCast(uint32 val)
lets start by checking if its not casting a spell at that moment and make sure it has a target selected

if(_unit->GetCurrentSpell() == NULL && _unit->GetAIInterface()->GetNextTarget())//_unit->getAttackTarget())

thats good now next were gonna use some boolean checks to make it check if its supposed to cast the spells or not like this

_unit->CastSpell(_unit->GetAIInterface()->GetNextTarget(), infofury, false);
m_fury = false;

_unit->CastSpell(_unit->GetAIInterface()->GetNextTarget(), infostrike, false);
m_strike = false;


when it says


its basically saying

"if(m_fury == true)"

now as you can see it cast the spell then sets the booleans as false, it does that to make sure it doesn't cast a spell way more than it should

now we need to set its ability to turn the booleans true

if(val >= 100 && val <= 225)
_unit->setAttackTimer(2000, false);
m_fury = true;
if(val >= 790 && val <= 900)
_unit->setAttackTimer(4000, false);
m_strike = true;
now whats it does is check if the uint32 val is in between certain numbers and if it is then it sets the attack time to a certain time, then setting the boolean to true allowing the spell to be used again

now to actually define the value we do this in AIUpdate

void AIUpdate()
uint32 val = RandomUInt(1000);
what it does is each time it performs an AIUpdate it randomizes a number between 1-1000 and then uses that number for the val in SpellCast

last but not least add this to the very bottom of the full script under the very last "}"

void SetupMyInstance(ScriptMgr * mgr)
mgr->register_creature_script(CN_PROTECTOR, &MafiaProtectorAI::Create);

well thats the AI Part of this guide

please note this isn't exactly the most professional way to perform spell casting, and i know that but this is a really simple way to teach beginners
how to program this

5. Playing with Hooks... Is it dangerous?

ok well server hooks are where most people get all there cool stuff like insta 70 and gold on startup and more so
im gonna give you a server hook script taht i wrote and give you every server hook there is for you to look at
[in the C++ Commands chapter]
ok lets begin

void OnLoginForFirstTime(Player* plr)
now that name trully has no effect whatso ever other than thats what i wil register it as
what really matters is the server hook it gets registered as lets continue make it like this

void OnLoginForFirstTime(Player* plr)
plr->BroadcastMessage(" Welcome to [Server name] %s", plr->GetName()
high chance you understand that except maybe the %s. what the %s does is uses that function i added to the end
of function and gets the players name its fairly simple
now lets do the setup

void SetupFirstLogon(ScriptMgr * mgr)
mgr->register_hook(SERVER_HOOK_EVENT_ON_FIRST_ENTER_WOR LD, (void*)OnLoginForFirstTime);
in setup.h add this under the one in there already
do the same with setup.cpp
void SetupFirstLogon(ScriptMgr * mgr)
and whala your done with a gameobject script

6. C++ Command info

SERVER_HOOK_EVENT_ON_PRE_DIE - general unit die, not only based on players

You get the C++ info by user Plr->
most the time it brings up a box and lets you choose a command comes in handy alot

7. Final Tips

Get the SVN for Sun++ and AspireDev and study there scripts all have great quality and use alot of functions

Guide is Fully Written by me - Mager1794

07-07-09, 02:01 AM
really nice one , +Rep

07-07-09, 04:29 AM
Its perfect ;) just keep contributing :)

07-07-09, 10:43 AM
umm, this is exactly like this - http://www.mmopro.net/forums/c-modules/251-starting-with-c.html

07-07-09, 10:54 AM
lol its also his guide nika only copy and paste it

07-07-09, 10:56 AM
Yep thats true.... nika made just share and he released his own tutorial...

07-07-09, 01:33 PM
Also this one includes AI Scripting the other guide lacks that because when i originally made the first guide i didn't know much about it

07-07-09, 07:33 PM
ahh, my bad, sowwi /forgive?, i get confused, damn i hate leechers posting for rep :O