View Full Version : Hey!!!

07-04-09, 07:28 PM
WASUP!!! im new here just saying hey and to let everyone know that im looking for help on my server if you would like to help out, which means you will need some lua scripting or previous server exspirience and are willing to help then here is the info...:)

My server is Echelon-WoW here is some quick info:
1.:)it is a insta 80 fun server...:)
2.Good GM help is needed...Perferably a person that knows a good amount of scripting or knows how to add certain things to the server such as teleporter npc and other things that are not basic knowledge;)
("If you got some knowledge and decide to help i can assure you that there will be other gm's"your grunts" that will do the grueling work for you all you will need to do is do the major parts of the scripting of stuff for the server")
P.S.S.Yes i have tried many times with the teleporter npc but failed every time:(
P.S[the gms on the server can program and script most everything just alittle help is needed thats all
3.including myself I have 3 dedicated gm's at this moment that learn more and more scripiting by the day...But it isnt enough:p
4.not public yet/needs hamachi as of right now:(
5.dont have a website or regestration page connected with the server
6.the malls are almost complete...and other custom istances and vendors and gear is all done...
Contact info:
MSN "Windows Live Messenger"= [email protected] ("you can reach me quick here")
E-Mail = [email protected]
Hamachi = Echelon-WoW ("or enter the game I am always working on the server")
Pass = 123
Realmlist = ("my hamachi ip")

08-04-09, 02:23 AM
i like how on 75% of your posts, you have your server info...

Theirs a reason they have a spot JUST FOR ADVERTISEMENT!

Plus good luck getting many ppl since its hamachi...GG

08-04-09, 08:14 AM
I'm just going to delete that info if he posts it once more. Getting sick of seing it everywhere.

08-04-09, 04:48 PM
And isn't there a good Private Server called Echelon WoW already running strong?