View Full Version : [Realease]All Stable Emulators core compiles and databases compiles 3.x.x

12-03-09, 05:41 PM
Hello forum users ive seen that in our forum we have only arcemu compiles and no other emu ones.So here you will find all stable Emulators and Databases Ready for use!

Note: All the cores will be updated every 48 hours all at once!

In this release you will find the ArcEmu core compiles , MaNGOS core compiles, Hearthstone Compiles and Trinity core compiles.

New Update 14-04-2009 : Updated : ArcEMu Core

I. ArcEmu Core Compiles.

ArcEmu is a revolutionary emulator based mainly on community involvement, and a hard working team.

Latest Revision (includes world_updates.sql) : 2536

http://cosmic-top100.com/downloadfilenow.png (http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?ymyhgwkzyzn)

Previous Revision : 2489


Added: Implementation for config option <Limits> "enable" field. BroadcastGMs is working properly for me already (both 0 and 1), not sure what the problem is there. ArcEmu (http://www.arcemu.info/trac/ticket/260)

II. MaNGOS Core Compiles

Mangos is the most stable wow-emulator off all time.

Latest Revision : 7609

http://cosmic-top100.com/downloadfilenow.png (http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?e2jyujyjz2n)

Previous Revision : 7542


[7542] Some new reputation code related cleanups.

III. Trinity Core Compiles

Trinity is a fork of MaNGOS first and foremost. It came about due to some development style conflicts with the MaNGOS devs. The Trinity team feels that revision control should be handled in a different way, a stable branch and an unstable (or development branch), plus potentially many others. Another reason for the fork is that we felt that scripting belonged in the core. Yes, folks, that means no more having to build SD2 + MaNGOS :). Lastly, we wanted to have much better DB interaction.

Latest Revision : 2057

http://cosmic-top100.com/downloadfilenow.png (http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?odnwomgojzd)

Previous Revision : 1971


*Fix a crash for summoned creatures without summer.
*Remove not needed code

IV. Hearthstone

Latest Revision : 1202

http://cosmic-top100.com/downloadfilenow.png (http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?ng4jmqynwdn)

Previous Revision : 1197


* Updated some enums (spell_go/start)
* Sorted DBC loading list so we can see which ones we use, and which ones we don't.


1. NCDB Revision 67 for:


Arcemu rev 2000+

http://cosmic-top100.com/downloadfilenow.png (http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?zowmqi2zdwe)

Mangos Revision 7200+

http://cosmic-top100.com/downloadfilenow.png (http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?mnyygygmld5)


http://cosmic-top100.com/downloadfilenow.png (http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?ofouvkmx3jy)


Community patches!
- Fixed Missing GO loot!
- Incorrect Money loot 130k gold From NPC
- Master Sergeant Biggins no longer sells honor items for free
- Tier 7 vendors added
(fixed #394)

2. UDB Revision 368

Mangos rev 7252+

http://cosmic-top100.com/downloadfilenow.png (http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?mmht3jlzymw)


Biggest changes in 368:
- Massive updates and additions for creature_model_info and creature_equip_template
- New npc_texts/gameobjects/items/page_texts and wdb-updates for old ones
- BonusTalents, RewMoneyMaxLevel and PlayersSlain data for quest_template
- Hundreds of emotes and text updates for quests
- Some immunities for tbc instances' trash mobs
- Some data for spell_loot_template
- Spawned ~4000 new herbs/veins
- Updated skill_discovery_template
- Updates from ACID rev25 and SD2 rev 888
- Many fixes from forums, thanks to all contributors!

In order to get from 0.11.0 (367) to 0.11.0 (368), apply these files:
* 368_corepatch_characters_7110_to_7252.sql <- apply to characters database. UPDATE DATABASE NAMES IN QUERIES
* 368_corepatch_mangos_7110_to_7252.sql <- apply to mangos database
* 368_updatepack_mangos.sql <- apply to mangos database

3.Trinity Database 0.0.3

http://cosmic-top100.com/downloadfilenow.png (http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?xgzyiyl1ydo)


To big to post it here.

5. Rival Database Revision 51

For ArcEmu Revision 2250+

http://cosmic-top100.com/downloadfilenow.png (http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?enwkgygvmo1)


Completely redid the playercreateinfo_spells table,removed outdated spells,and added
new spells.This should remove the playercreateinfo_spells table and add the new one.This
will be the last time ill be adding an entire table to the svn in a changeset.

6.Project Sylvermoon Database


For Mangos rev 2253+

http://cosmic-top100.com/downloadfilenow.png (http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?hzlwjmzem2k)

6.WhyDB Revision 269

For ArcEMu 2200+

http://cosmic-top100.com/downloadfilenow.png (http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?ig1kvntzdhz)

Thank you for downloading my emulators core compiles and databases

13-03-09, 01:59 AM
Updated Thread ArcEmu rev 2310 Added And Rival Database only for ArcEmu

13-03-09, 07:55 AM
You should add Project Silvermoon,s Wotlk blizzlike db for Mangos,

its way more complete than udb, and hasnt even any errors in load.
I have compared latests udb and psdb wotlk, and damn i was way more
impressed by psdb,s work. better spawns, waypoints, and lesser bugs.
most northrend instances worked both in normal and heroic mode,
with retail loots. even Naxxramas. and alot of areas i found empty in udb
was fully spawned in psdb wotlk. =)

They also update often, latests update was yesterday, 12th march

svn: http://svn.assembla.com/svn/psmdb_wotlk/

Theyr site: http://project-silvermoon.net

13-03-09, 09:49 AM
i will added :) hey knaur check the emulation expert group you have an request :)

13-03-09, 10:28 AM
Add that Rival Database Supports Arcmu and Hearthstone, Please.

13-03-09, 12:34 PM
it supports arcemu but hearthstone soon :)

13-03-09, 03:56 PM
New Update !!

14-03-09, 12:59 PM
New updates and guys common some replies any bugs issues ?? :)

14-03-09, 09:35 PM
Do the Mangos core complies include ScriptDev or Acid support?

15-03-09, 01:40 AM
will be added soon i must stabilize by thread :)

15-03-09, 04:38 PM
New update folks :)

16-03-09, 05:17 PM
new updates :)

25-03-09, 01:11 AM
good job cosminelu16 (http://www.mmopro.net/forums/members/cosminelu16.html) keep it up +rep

25-03-09, 10:43 AM
thanks now updating it :)

26-03-09, 11:56 AM
new update folks :)

31-03-09, 05:05 PM
new update :)

04-04-09, 05:59 PM
keep up that pretty goog work ! +rep

06-04-09, 03:12 PM
New update

06-04-09, 04:20 PM
Thanks for Sharing all these! +rep!

12-04-09, 12:46 AM
Most cores and DB's I've seen in one place. That's why I subscribed to it so I could find again.

+rep +rep +rep

14-04-09, 03:19 AM
new update folks

21-04-09, 02:09 AM
Thanks for putting all this together in one place. I have this post bookmarked and will check back often

I dont know much about updating stuff like this, but a mind is a learning machine when it needs to be :)

23-04-09, 07:44 AM
nice work, thank you

24-04-09, 08:26 AM
Now this is helpful to one who is growing out of being a NOOB (me). Thanks a bunch!