View Full Version : Guide: Allowing Remote Access to the database *VIDEO/Written*

02-03-09, 08:15 AM
Alright this guide was shows you how to do it with navicat. Enjoy
Video guide-
Written Guide
Step 1. I'm going to assume you already have your database configured so go ahead and open navicat or your sql editor of choice.

Step 2. Click The big button that says Mange users

Step 3. Once opened click add users and enter in the following
Username- This is where you enter the person trying to connects username, You make this up
Host-You can leave this blank but if you want for only that ip to be able to connect to the database then you enter in that persons ip
Password-Enter in the password of yours or his choice

Step 4. Click ok and set the privalges of the person connecting to the database. I.E for example Delete table, Add Table.

Step 5. Once done click save and exit

Step 6. *Connecting* Alright for the person connecting to it there going to wana enter in the databases hosts ip for the host and the rest of the info that you choose up above.

Thanks for reading and i hope this helped.