View Full Version : [Guide]Free Ascent Website Hosting!

23-07-08, 11:24 PM
If you do NOT want to host your own website heres somthing that you can do.

You will need a website host (not freewebs) that has php enabled. I recommend Freehostia. Then open your mysql manager program and make a new user. Give the new user all privileges and make his host %. The user and p*** can be whatever you want. Then in the config file for your website put the hostname as your external ip.

Example :

="en"; // Language ("en" - english, "ru" - russian)
="YOUR IP HERE"; // HOST for Antrix database
="root"; // USER for Antrix database
="p***word"; // P*** for Antrix database
="antrix"; // NAME of Antrix database
="YOUR IP HERE"; // HOST for Login database
="root"; // USER for Login database
="p***word"; // P*** for Login database
="antrix"; // NAME of Login database
= 'CP1251'; // Set encoding
= "img/"; // Image dir
= "YOUR IP HERE"; // Antrix Server Address
= "8129"; // Antrix Server Port
="WoW Server"; // Insert the title of your server here
=0; // Lock created account to IP address (1 - on, 0 - off)
=0; // Registration only one (or more) account from one IP address
// 0 - not limit, 1 - one acc, 2 - two acc, etc...User is the username you made and p*** is the p*** you made. Database name is logon.

Now just upload the files to freehostia or your php host and you've done it!
All you need to do is keep Mysql Running and you have a free FULLY working website for your server!