View Full Version : Glider Guide

11-02-09, 04:46 PM
Hello MMOPro!

credits to Phorentez (http://www.************/forums/members/phorentez.html)

First of all i wanna say, there is thousend of guides that explain parts of this im going to tell you now. I Have for 3 weeks try to understand Glider and Ppather fully, and i have read over 10+ guides that did all forget something that the next guide was telling about, but they did forget something els.

I found this Glider + Ppather very hard to find out, and after 3 weeks i finaly got it work.

.:What This Guide Is Gonna Learn You:.

- How to Install and Setup newest version of Glider 1.8.0
- How to Install and Setup newest version of Ppather 1.0.4d
- How to Install and Setup custom class, and how to get them
- Get your tasks and attach them to Ppather to make them work
- Fully explained how to combinate all things to make it work

.:What this guide require:.

- Internet Knowledge
- Good to understand and read English (Becourse my english aint that good xD)

Capter 1: Installation of the following programs!

1.) Glider

As probably many here from ******* knows, this is a Bot, also known as (Third Party Software) that actuelly can play like you where behind the computer screen.
A bot that only does the stuff you have provide it to do.

First of all make a new folder on your desktop, name it what you want, but this should be the glider root. So we will just call it (Glider)

Go to "mmoglider.com"

Go to "Registrer" and pay 25$

Now upgrade your key to Glider Elite, (This is require for using Ppather) Glider Elite use a stong Shadow driver that makes it unable for WoW to see whats running on your computer when your logged on wow. If Glider didnt had that Shadow Driver you would be banned instantly when you log into WoW.

Upgrade by go to MMoglider, into registrer again, and press the "Subscribe to glider elite"

Now choose if you want 1 month, 2 months, 4 months, or a lifetime (I prefere you to buy the lifetime, you will come back for more xD)

Now you should get an email with your (Elite pass key),

Go to registrer site again, and click on the (Redeem key) link,

Now you should put in your "Normal glider key" (The first one you purchases) and then put in your (Elite pass key) which upgrades your normal glider key, to elite glider key.

So far you got a "Elite Glider Key"

2.) Glider Installation

Go to "mmoglider.com" and go to the download page, For making glider work, you have to download "Microsoft .NET framework version 2.0" by pressing the icon below the glider icon, then safe it somewhere to your computer, you don't have to use it, but it have to be on your computer to run glider.

Now install glider, First of all turn off your anti virus program. Glider got this Shadow Driver which is a program that the anti virus will catch as some kind of hacking software, and will imidiatly delete it.

Press the glider icon, and press open, extract the "GliderDeploy" into your glider folder on your desktop. Afterwards open the gliderdeploy and install glider, it should automaticly put everything into the folder.

That was glider installation.

3.) Ppather Installation

Your gonna download the Ppather version 1.0.4d which is the newest version that works with glider 1.8.0.

Download Ppather 1.0.4d: Ppather Download (http://wiki.ppather.net/files/PPather1.0.4dBETA2.zip)

Now extract it to the glider folder, everything will put it self into the right place.

4.) Custom Class Installation

Alright, now you need to have your custom class. by doing that you go to: Glider Forums - Powered by vBulletin (http://vforums.mmoglider.com/)
registrat to the site, (Its totaly free now you got your glider key)

Now log into your forum account, and go to "Code Release"

now go to the thread ---> Cyrex's Custom Classes Resource <--- here you should be able to find some of the best custom classes, we are gonna choose humanmage.

Scroll down to human mage, press "Official Thread" now go to the button of the thread (The thread, not all the posts) And press the attach in the button (Thats the newest version) Now extrach anything into your glider folder.

Every custom class have there way to be installed, you can see at the top of almost all the custom class threads how to install the class. but humanmage put itself into the right places.

Now you have installed your custom class.

5.) Get tasks for ppather

Go to the glider forums again, and press "Task Files" and download your task file, those tasks can be anywhere on your computer, just place it where you can find them again when you have to load them http://www.************/forums/images/smilies/smile.gif

6.) Making your character

Now go into your glider root, make a new folder named (Pathing2) Go into notebook or what its called xD and make a file with the name of your character (Ingame) The file should be empty, now just save it into the pathing2 folder http://www.************/forums/images/smilies/smile.gif

Capter 2: Setup the whole shit and make it work!

1.) Setup glider with ppather

Open your Glider, Now where it say (Demo Key) Put in your glider key (Not the elite pass key) But the normal one you upgraded.

Go to "Classes" And check your custom class. This is the part where you have to focus, you can choose 2 items with custom class name, but you have to choose the one with a (P) for ppather infront or behind the custom class name. thats the one your gonna use.

Now go to Key's, and press "Reload from disk" This will make all the custom class keys enable ingame.

Go to options, and choose your class (Same name as the custom class you checked in "Classes"

Now a ppather window should have been popped up, Now you just simply go to press "Load" and find your task files, attach the one you want to glide, and press "Start"

You have just fully installed "Glider" "Ppather" "Tasks" "Custom Class"

.:Questions and Answers:.

Q: Phorentez can you get me a Glider key + Elite glider key so i dont have to pay?
A: No, even if i had alot of keys, i would not give them out becourse glider is friends with *******, and i wont take there customers.

Q: Why does it stop gliding/ppathing almost when i click start ?
A: This can cause meny things, basicly its becourse you maybe don't have gold on your level 1 char to buy skills/consumables/ammo/repair etc. etc. Otherwise its becourse you don't have a good custom class or good tasks for this http://www.************/forums/images/smilies/smile.gif

Q: Do i have to stay at my computer all the time doing this?
A: Tasks actuelly live up to a standard that you dont have to be at your computer all the time, i have even once let my computer glide while i was on a week vacation, when i came home it was still gliding without problems.

Q: If i get banned, i can blame you or/and glider, and get compensation?
A: No, not at any cost, this is 100% your own risk. But i can insure you that your banning chances will be reduced alot by following this guide:
http://www.************/forums/bots-p...n-gliding.html (Reduce banning risk when gliding) (http://www.************/forums/bots-programs/192814-reduce-banning-risk-when-gliding.html)
Thanks for making that guide Hendricus http://www.************/forums/images/smilies/smile.gif

Thanks Alot for your time, i hope it made you install and setup correctly those 2 programs and put it all together without problems, this guide have explained everything that can make it work, the other guides miss some stuff that could cause its not working as it should. Im not saying my guide is perfect, but i havent forgot any important infomation http://www.************/forums/images/smilies/smile.gif


The reason I have posted this, is because MMOPro doesn't have any Glider guides yet.