View Full Version : [Release/Share] Server Control Panel - Ascent/ArcEmu

10-02-09, 09:45 AM
Note: I didn't make this control panel , its originally made by ProphetX , i am just sharing it here.


This control panel provides an easy-to-use interface for any Ascent/ArcEmu server. I have tested this on AC Web Ultimate Repack 7.8 and 8.0, but it should work on most other repacks as long as they are based on Ascent or ArcEmu.>> Download Latest Version (Control Panel v3.3.1.zip) << (http://prophetx.freehostia.com/downloadlatest.php)


Added an "Online Players" page which tells you how many players are online and displays a list of all the online players with their name, level, race and class.
When the "Tools" menu is opened, the "Online Players" item shows how many players are online e.g. "Online Players (5)"
Added MySQL configuration (necessary for Online Players page to function correctly)
Control Panel now uses XP-friendly icons (no more crashes on XP)


Added uptime statistics for all server modules
Added system performance (RAM & CPU usage)


When a different server type is selected the user is asked if they also want to change the world folder (done automatically)
When "Start All" is pressed, the control panel will not start modules if they are already running
Fixed a bug where the "Stop" buttons for World and Logon Server weren't working
Revised some of the tooltips in the configuration form
Control panel is disabled while settings are being edited


Compatible with Ascent and ArcEmu
Stop/Start modules individually, or all at once
Real-time information on modules tells you whether they are running or not
Easy access to server configuration files (
Run the control panel from anywhere - no need to have it in the same folder as your server
Choose which folder to run modules from - Game Server, MySQL, Apache can be in different folders or even different drives
Customize the look of the control panel by changing the background color
"Clean" operation allows you to run modules in the background - gets rid of ugly black boxes
Real-time monitoring of modules detects crashes and attempts to recover from them
Control panel doesn't have to be open all the time for modules to run correctly

Screenshots (click the links to see more)
SCREENSHOT: Configuration Form (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v305/Straifel/Control%20Panel/Configuration.jpg)
SCREENSHOT: Quiet Operation - all modules are running but the only window open is the control panel (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v305/Straifel/Control%20Panel/Clean-Operation.gif)
SCREENSHOT: Uptime statistics and system performance (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v305/Straifel/Control%20Panel/Statistics.jpg)
SCREENSHOT: Online players (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v305/Straifel/Control%20Panel/Online-Players.jpg)


Note: I didn't make this control panel , its originally made by ProphetX , i am just sharing it here.

21-04-09, 09:50 AM
If this works like it should as described, i cant pull the pictures up at work.

this would be awesome.

downloading when i get home