View Full Version : Emulation Expert Group Requirements

Dr. Emu
08-02-09, 01:47 PM
Emulation Expert Group Requirements

The emulation expert group contains all the experienced and professional emulators that have been working on world of warcraft emulation a long time...

The emulation group questions and applications goes through me , you can only apply 1 time , and you must have at least 80 rep!

Emulation Expert Group requirements:

Must at least have 80 reputation points!
Must have been active in the emulation section
Must be experienced and professional in emulation
Must at least have released one or more repacks, or know how to compile one.
Must have over 50 posts!
Must have been helpfull in the emulation section.

If you do not meet the above requirements but post an application anyways , it will be rejected, and you will get a warning.

You can only apply 1 time!

You can request to join here (http://www.mmopro.net/forums/members/list/?usergroupid=12).

As i sad above, all applications goes through me , if i see you meet the above requirements , i will PM you and we will start an interview.
If the interview goes right, and you got accepted by me, you will become a member of the emulation experts group.

For more information or questions, please reply to this thread.


Dr. Emu

08-02-09, 02:35 PM
See i dont like the whole 80 rep thing because most of my stuff got released when the server was still young and so i did not get much from it. (as i see you are in the group and only have 56 ) Other then that looks good to me.

Dr. Emu
08-02-09, 03:09 PM
Well i want it to be 50+ , but its not my rule. It is MysteriousSoul that told me to have 80+. wait for him to come online and we can discuss this^^

08-02-09, 03:51 PM
50+ Would be really nice.

Dr. Emu
10-02-09, 07:35 AM
I have discussed this with mysterious , its 80+ reputation requirements! And please stop PMing me about futher questions, ask in this thread instead!

13-02-09, 06:14 AM
im coming from ******* i just dont like its off of rep should be what u know

13-02-09, 06:31 AM
I don't think the 80+ rep is a good idea as well. Not many people can achieve that. Some people might not know how to release repacks but are good in helping out and stuff. Yeah... This is my opinion.

14-02-09, 10:37 PM
Dr. Emu i wish to apply but it is not letting me visit the link please pm me.

14-02-09, 10:46 PM
i wish to apply but it is not letting me visit the link please pm me.

Go to

User CP >> Group Memberships

14-02-09, 10:53 PM
Thanks msoul forgot about that way been a while.

17-02-09, 02:19 AM
Hey how long does it normal take for a response?

18-02-09, 02:23 PM
Emulation Expert Group requirements:

Must at least have 80 reputation points!
Must have been active in the emulation section
Must be experienced and professional in emulation
Must at least have released one or more repacks, or know how to compile one.
Must have over 50 posts!
Must have been helpfull in the emulation section.

...Most TRUE Emu Experts, Hate repacks...
I never got why MSoul, had Rep/Post Requirements on this...

Back when i was grp leader, they must have proven to ME, that they knew shit about an emu...

18-02-09, 03:23 PM
...Most TRUE Emu Experts, Hate repacks...
I never got why MSoul, had Rep/Post Requirements on this...

Back when i was grp leader, they must have proven to ME, that they knew shit about an emu...

Kinda agree, you might be really awesome in emulation stuff, but you have nothing to contribute which means you won't get 80 reputation+ that easy.

19-02-09, 12:21 AM
Considering most of the repacks are full of fail here i think you should change it to released a custom a db/something other then repacks requirement.

19-02-09, 12:25 AM
Custom DB's take no skill to make lol...

and takes no knowledge of an Emu...

Dr. Emu
19-02-09, 11:40 AM
You can't join us just couse you created a repack. And WigSplitta, i have talked to Msoul, i don't want it to be 80+ rep but he said that ONLY contributors and up can join, so its preatty much about the rank, not the rep. So if you got 40 rep and you are a Epic Member you could join.

19-02-09, 11:49 AM
But to have the rank "Epic Member" or ones like that, you'd need more than 80 rep.

19-02-09, 01:57 PM
almost got 80 rep :D!

19-02-09, 02:23 PM
This is stupid as this is not *******, why does everything have to be like it is there?
Bring the unique stuff.

19-02-09, 02:45 PM
Agree with Zaronz.

19-02-09, 07:50 PM
Custom DB's take no skill to make lol...

ORLY? anyway i don't even care im not joining the group again anyways...just saying most of the repacks being posted are fail.