View Full Version : Hi there!

04-02-09, 10:16 AM
Hi everybody im Tsquared or T2. Im an Australian who loves his games and setting up his own servers (well with not much luck so far). I have been around wow since the beginning almost, as i just started after the first beta and have played retail for 4 years before quiting. I quit retail wow for many reasons such as, lack of funds, lack of interest (pvp wise), lack of friends :D and just generally the game had got alot worse then pre-tbc.

Im 18 years old and love to have a chat with anybody anytime about pretty much anything :) im a nice guy and don't fight with others. Im a calm person (apart from when im trying to set my server up :mad: *shakes fist at databases*). Im here to make some new friends and maybe find my way to hosting my own server from one of these repacks or joining a already created server as a staff member (i am looking for a decent server to GM on if anybody is interested drop me a PM for details on contacting me).

I have created and run several of my own servers starting way back with a Mangos 1.12 server then moving up to a Ascent 2.0 server, following that was a 3.0 server then more recently a 3.0.3 server with my 3.0.8 server on the way.

Thanks for taking the time to read my little speal :D


04-02-09, 10:20 AM
Also can anybody tell me why i can't put in a sig i see quite a few members with them and i cant seem to find the 'signature' button under UserCP

04-02-09, 10:32 AM
Welcome, T2. The reason you cant make a signature is your a 'Lazy Leecher" I think you need to have at least 5 rep.

So, get posting and you're sure to be repped! :)