View Full Version : Assasin PvP Guide - Cunning Strike Starter (Pre-70 and Post-70)

26-07-08, 07:02 AM
This applies mainly to pre-70, before you get FtD, which is by far the best opener assassins have.


Most assassins probably are opening with a stealth attack to the back. Now this is okay because it does decent damage, and stuns a little bit. Unfortunately, the sneak attack doesn't ignore armor mitigation, so you'll end up doing a pathetic amount of damage sometimes, or missing completely and blowing your cover (which will happen and sucks because SA has a huge delay).

What I've been experimenting around with is a different opener. If you notice, cunning strike does quite a bit of damage for a 2-hit combo. Starting a PvP match with a running cunning strike (start the combo as you move to your opponent and input the last move as you line up) would be fairly effective for the following reasons.

You're running, which means that you'll be able to catch up and attack moving targets. Harder to miss.
Most of the time we're going for first-strike anyways, so there is no reason for the opponent to suspect an attack. Unless he has his camera zoomed way out and sees you approaching from behind, in which case he still probably won't react in time.
You get two hits. Meaning 2 chances to proc an offhand and any additional damage modifiers. This results in more damage than a single SA.
There is no stun, but think about it, the stun from a backstab pretty much matches the time it takes for someone to react to a surprise attack. What I mean by this is that the stun is basically useless since your opponent will spend its duration idle anyway, due to the initial shock of being jumped.
No lag vs. attack lag after a SA.

I think the main reason why assassin players want to open with a stealth attack is because it's "assassin-like" or "in-character." However, the move itself is not very efficient at all. Another reason is probably because SA is very helpful in PvE and it becomes a habit. But in PvP the players don't aggro, so there is no need to hide before an attack. You can "jump" them without sneaking.

I've also considered variations to the initial Cunning Strike. You could use a DoT like Slow Death as well, if it is a tank-type target. But you'll want to save simple 1-key combos like impede life and grim for mid-fight, as they are faster to execute.

Post-70 Starters


Rangers are tough opponents, so you'll need play a little smarter to overcome them. Now you know that a ranger has their infamous 10 second root (that they will definitely use when given the chance) and a couple of stuns. So look through the assassin arsenal and see if we can mindgame them a little bit.

Start with a css (cunning strike starter).
Use Grim Corruption (the 2nd highest level you have). You'll end up with 2 shards at this point.
Start using other combos and strafing, until they run. If they don't run then good, kill them, they're nothing at close range.
What will usually happen is this. They will throw a root on you, and they will back/run away to the side to recover a little/stare at you and size you up based on level, how much damage they've taken etc. During this time cast Lunge and Avatar. If you see that they are in staggering stance cast Excellent Balance as well.
If you see them start casting a move, say salvo. Then immediately Escape Artist and FtD. From there you can finish them off easily. You have at least 1 more shard(s) to use as you will.
If they run, cast escape artist and cast FtD. This will stun (you might not hit). Depending on your positioning after FtD, you may choose to Death Gaze or use Grim (highest level that you have).


These guys won't go down easy. Normally I wouldn't pick a fight with them but if you want to try here's an opener that might work.

Do a running Slow Death Strike.
Cast Impede Life, which is only one key press.
Cast Excellent Balance and Avatar.
Start hitting them until they start to hit back, or you see them start to cast something. Start backing away and start up Swift Strikes.
At this point it becomes a jousting game. Except your opponent will have an advantage because they have more breathing space in terms of hp and defense. Do not stop moving, until you have readied a swift strike, then move in and use it.
Reapply the DoT as soon as you can. The key to overcome their health regen.
Death Gaze when they're at ~20%. Then queue a combo quick.


Not too much to say here. Try to 2-shot them using Evii's starter. If you want to play it safe and safe your FtD, then to do a running starter and try a CSS directly into Grim. Followed by EB and Avatar. If they try to kite, use FtD when they stop to cast.