View Full Version : Player starting modifications

20-01-09, 01:52 PM
Player Create Info
index This is here to keep organized.
race follow this templates. (Found Below)
factiontemplate follow this template. (Found Below)
class follow this template. (Found Below)
mapID starting map id.
zoneID starting zone id.
positionX starting x.
positionY starting y.
positionZ starting z.
displayID Display id of your npc.
BaseStrength Strength you start out with.
BaseAgility Agility you start out with.
BaseStamina Stamina you start out with.
BaseIntellect Intellect you start out with.
BaseSpirit Sprit you start out with.
BaseHealth Health u start out with.
BaseMana Mana you start out with.
BaseRage Rage you start out with.
BaseFocus focus you start out with.
BaseEnergy energy u start out with.
attackpower attack power you start out with.
mindmg minimum damage you start out with.
maxdmg Max damage you start out with.

Player Create Bars
race Race as defined by the Table. (Found Below)
class Put the class id here use the table. (Found Below)
button Button location ID
action action id (unknown ids at this time)
0 - Non-consumable
128 - Consumable
misc misc id (unknown ids at this time)

Player Create Items

indexid This is the same as the id in playercreateinfo table.
protoid Entry id of the item u wish to have put on player start.
slotid This is the slot you want the item to appear in. (Found Below)
amount How many of this item u want to be in that slot.
Player Create Spells
indexid This is the same as the id in playercreateinfo table.
spellid This is the ID of the spell you want them to start out with. (Found on wowhead)
Player Create Skills
indexid This is the same as the id in playercreateinfo table.
skillid Id of the skill. (Found Below)
level Level you start out with.
maxlevel Max amount that that skill level will be able to go up to.

Item Slots

Where ID
Head 0
Neck 1
Shoulders 2
Shirt 3
Chest 4
Legs 5
Waist 6
Feet 7
Wrists 8
Gloves 9
Finger1 10
Finger2 11
Trinket1 12
Trinket2 13
Back 14
Main Hand 15
Off Hand 16
Ranged 17
Tabard 18
Bag Slots 19-22
Backback Slots 23-39
Bank Slots 40-66
Bank Backpacks 67-73
Key Ring 86-118
Race ID

race id
Human 1
Orc 2
Dwarf 3
Night Elf 4
Undead 5
Tauren 6
Gnome 7
Troll 8
Blood Elf 9
Drantni 10

Faction #

Darkspear Trolls (Troll) 530
Darnassus (Night Elf) 69
Gnomeregan Exiles (Gnome) 54
Orgrimmar (Orc) 76
Stormwind (Human) 72
Thunder Bluff (Tauren) 81
Undercity (Undead) 68
Exodar (TBC Draenei) 930
Silvermoon City (TBC Bloodelf) 911
Argent Dawn (Naxxramas) 529
Ashtongue Deathsworn (TBC) 1012
Bloodsail Buccaneers 87
Booty Bay 21
Brood of Nozdormu (AQ) 910
Cenarion Circle (AQ) 609
Cenarion Expedition (TBC) 942
Darkmoon Faire 909
Everlook 577
Frostwolf Clan (Horde AV) 729
Gadgetzan 369
Gelkis Clan Centaur 92
Honor Hold (Hellfire Citadel) 946
Hydraxian Waterlords 749
Ironforge 47
Keepers of Time (TBC Caverns of Time) 989
Kurenai (TBC) 978
Lower City (TBC Auchindoun) 1011
Magram Clan Centaur 93
Netherwing (TBC Flying Mounts) 1015
Ogri'la (TBC) 1038
Ratchet 470
Ravenhold 349
Sha'tari Skyguard (TBC) 1031
Shen'dralar 809
Silverwing Sentinels (Alli WSG) 890
Sporeggar (TBC) 970
Stormpike Guard (Alli AV) 730
Syndicate 70
The Aldor (Tier & Venders) 932
The Consortium (TBC Mana Tombs) 933
The Defilers (Horde AB) 510
The League of Arathor (Alli AB) 509
The Mag'har (TBC) 941
The Scale of the Sands (TBC Mount Hyjal) 990
The Scryers (TBC Tier & Venders) 934
The Sha'tar (TBC Tempest Keep) 935
The Violet Eye (TBC Karazhan) 967
Thorium Brotherhood 59
Thrallmar (TBC Hellfire Citadel) 947
Timbermaw Hold 576
Tranquillien (TBC) 922
Undercity 68
Warsong Outriders (Horde WSG) 889
Wildhammer Clan (Removed) 471
Wintersaber Trainers 589
Zandalar Tribe (Zul'Gurub) 270
Class ID list

6-Death Knight

20-01-09, 01:54 PM
Very awesome release!

09-04-09, 09:17 AM
Updated for WOTLK

10-04-09, 12:06 AM
Thanks for the updates.