View Full Version : C++ scripts & patches
- [Tut] How to compile a .DLL
- How to Compile Scripts
- WarpNPC
- Instant 70 + more
- PVP Script
- [PATCH]Chat Logger
- [PATCH] .repairall
- The Darkmoon Faire
- Portable Teleporter
- Plastic Surgeon Kit
- Bounty Hunter
- *** Change Script
- L70 etc
- Auto Announcer
- C++ Portal
- Player Commands
- [Re-Release] .MorphAll Command
- WotLK Warp NPC
- Starting with C++
- [Share/Releases] C++ Source Rep Booster NPC
- [Share/Releases] C++ Source MorpherNPC 14Pages of DISPLAYID
- Understanding Custom Commands
- Understanding Boss Scripts
- MMopro Morpher
- Renaming GM Commands
- Title NPC in C++
- #food,#drink,#both Player - command's
- Player-Help Command
- MiscNPC
- Levelup Helper c++ spellscript
- Friend Porter
- [Core Patch] Free for All Pvp
- hunter pet trainer
- freemoneynpc ready to compile for arcemu
- C++ Scripting Tutoial #1
- Legendary [Release] [Patchfile] New GM commands: Block .summon, Block .appear - 1 We
- List of C++ commands
- C++ Teleporter (with WOTLK Locations)
- [Release] Revised GM Commands - By Metalivo (WoW-Pwnage Team)
- C++ Morpher Realease
- [Release] C++ Teleporter Over 50+ Morphs.
- [Release-Share] Scripts
- [Share] XP for killing a player
- Stepping Into C++
- Magers Script Archive
- [C++ Guide] Create A Custom User Command
- [C++] Create A Custom Teleporter NPC
- [C++] Create Portal In C++
- [C++]Event Checkpoint Guide
- [C++] Shield on Login
- A couple basic player commands
- [Release] C++ Teleporter [Updated]
- [C++][Zone] Dueling Area ; Healers and spectators for your dueling zone
- C++ Script COMMANDS
- [C++][Gossip] GearMaster - Savage; Give your players the gear they need, fast
- [C++] Guild Housing System v2.0
- [Share] [C++] Guild Housing Script V.3.0
- [Share] [C++] Guild Housing System V.4.0
- [Share] [C++] Guild Housing System V.5.0
- [Release] Bogdan's Teleporter NPC
- C++ Morph stone and Morph NPC
- [Spell Fixes.] Made by Paradox (C++)
- A nice pack of C++'s.
- [Release] Commands for voters.
- [C++] Anti PVP Script - Kick Players for PVP in Neutral Zones
- [C++] Enchantment NPC
- [C++] Bob the Battle Bot (Not your average Bot)
- [MaNGOS] [C++] Talent Point Stone
- [C++] GuilDvsGuilD All over Azeroth
- [C++][SQL]Fake Online Players
- [C++] Trinitycore Teleporter, Arena Honor exchanger, Buffer
- (C++ request)speed cap 0.00
- 255 weapon skill
- [C++] Season 8 Wrathfull VOTING-NPC
- [C++] PlayerCommands.
- [C++]ProcChance fix of several trinkets + Consecration fix - Swift Retribution.
- [C++] Disconnection
- [C++] Shadowmourne effect fix for Ascent Based Emu's
- Maximum Skills NPC
- [Core/C++] Adding Custom Commands ArcEmu
- [C++/ArcEmu]Some Spellfixes.
- [C++]ArcEmu voting system.
- [C++]Add item on Guild Join.
- [C++] [Mangos]Lich King Script
- Prepaid Account run out of time
- {Scriptdev2} Function Library 1500+ functions
- [Release/Share] MaNGos LUA Engine
- ArcEmu C++ Functions and Guide
- [C++] Bounty Hunter
- [ArcEmu][C++] Scripting a Creature
- [C++/ArcEmu] Donor Announce and Server Chat
- [C++] Buff Npc
- [C++] ArcEmu Basic on World Enter Script
- [C++] Share Epic Scripts
- The most useful GM command ever!
- Arcemu vehicle patch
- MangChat + Vehicles + AHBot + Playerbot + PvP + Auto Broadcaster + ManGOSX
- Trial of Crusader
- [ArcEmu]Updated and Fixed Dodge Values
- [C++][TrinityCore] BeastMaster, Hunter pet npc
- [C++][TrinityCore] ZwowZ, Remove PVP flags from a player npc
- TrinityCore *Anticheat*
- Script City Conquest
- [Patch] Custom Class Template
- PlayerBot + Ahbot + Updates , Source or Repack
- [ 3.3.5a / 4.x.x / Emulator | Character Transfer / Migration Tool ]
- [Script] PvP Title System
- [Script]: Show Top 10 Arena Teams, 2v2 and 3v3
- Transmogrification Script
- Leveling NPC
- [Linux] LazyMan Linux Script (LMLS) - Automated everything for your core.
- ¤Trinity¤ Dynamic Teleporter
- Trinity New player announce
- [Release] Trinity Transmogrification
- Buff Npc Master
- [Trinitycore] Professions NPC
- Buff Command
- Multivendor Script [No Core Edits] [No Database Entries]
- Boss kill announcer
- MultiVendor Core modification
- [C++] [Spell] Raise Ally 3.3.5a
- Player Tools (faction, name, race, customize)
- Item enchant function. mangos/trintiy
- Trinity World Chat Script by Command
- Basic but unique kill-streak system
- [Trinity] World Chat (C++)
- [Trinity][C++] Blood Money Duels
- Trinity C++ Gold Banker NPC
- Vip System
- Custom warnings system
- [C++]Presentation of the Server
- Random appearance script[3.3.5a][C++]
- [C++]Points for Tokens
- [C++][PATCH] Huge Class & Statsfix Pack
- [C++] Trinity Unique Beastmaster Script
- [Lua Engine] Eluna Lua Engine for TrinityCore
- <GM> Tag in Who List
- Transmogrifiaction for 2.4.3 [OREGON]
- Eluna Boss Death Announcer (Extended)
- Ultimate Enchanting NPC
- [C++/Trinity] Custom World Chat System
- [Trinity/C++] Arena Queue Commands
- American Roulette [C++]
- Tools NPC
- Points for Tokens
- Transmogrifiaction for 2.4.3 [OREGON]
- Warryor 4.3.4 Spellfixxes (Not sure if is that correct)
- Crossfaction Battlegrounds
- MultiVendor Core modification
- Faction / Race change NPC
- Duel Reset Script
- Buff Command Script
- Buff Master / Buff NPC Script
- V.I.P commands script
- PvP Title System
- Ingame Support NPC
- Custom Event Reward Commands
- Staff Outfit Vendor
- Race Change Token Script
- Custom Chat Censor By Styler
- Player Waypoints (Custom Flightpaths, etc.)
- [Trinity] Clear Combat Bug - Gossip NPC
- Implement Crowd Control Delay
- Vip System / VIP Script for trinitycore
- arena spectator patch for latest rev
- Release|Trinity|ArcEmu|SkyFire|ArkCore|ArkPro|C++| LUA|SQL|3.3.5|3.3.5a|4.3.4
- Release|Trinity|ArcEmu|SkyFire|ArkCore|ArkPro|C++| LUA|SQL|3.3.5|3.3.5a|4.3.4
- C++ Make a zone Sanctuary!
- Prevent players reach the GM Island and possibly other locations (C++)
- [Release] Permanant Morph and Scale System
- [Release] TrinityCore NPC Bots
- Item On PVP Kill With Anti-Farm
- [Funservers NPC] Yolo Item Giver
- Trinity .mall command script (working with RBAC)
- Lots of Custom Scripts Repository
- [Patch/Diff] Disable Fatigue Script (How to disable Fatigue)
- [Trinity C++] Faction/Race/Rename/Customize change NPC
- Promotion NPC
- Global Chat w/ Class Colors [EZ Editing]
- Trinitycore 3.3.5 Fake Online Players in Who list Patch
- Peacekeeper NPC
- VIP System
- Fixed Transmog For latest trintycore rev
- Vip Area Only | Custom Script
- TrinityCore Reforging 3.3.5a (WOTLK)
- Vanilla PvP Titles from NPC Vendor
- Permanent Morph & Scale System
- [Trinity] Cross Faction Battlegrounds
- Flood Protection
- [Patch] Multi Trainer
- [C++] Custom Leveling by PvP
- Call To Arms Starter NPC
- Individual player XP and loot rates for latest TrinityCore 3.3.5a
- Glyph Template NPC
- [Mangos] /[Trinity] Talent template system
- Arena Spectator 3.3.5a
- Passive Anti-Cheat
- Mall,Maze,Duel,Stair,Jump [Teleport Commands]
- Remove Player Resurrect Timer and Spawning at GY (Rewrite).
- Tools NPC
- Trinity - AnimationOnLevel
- [C++/SQL] All in one Glyph Vendor.
- [Share] Master loot Exploit Fix
- Cross Faction Battlegrounds for latest revision
- Totems for all races
- [Arcemu] Dragon Soul raid ( deathwing included )
- Talent template system
- All mounts on all characters (Cata / MoP Style)
- GMIsland Theme Manager
- Honorable Kills Shop (script + NPC)
- Updated Professions NPC c++
- Custom Flightmaster
- [TrinityCore] Teleporter C++
- [3.3.5a] Weapon Visuals
- [C++][MiniGame] - Guardian Battles 3v3 - version 1
- Updated Professions NPC c++
- [TrinityCore] Visual Spells NPC (+ script + SQL)
- [TrinityCore] V.I.P Commands Script Created by Ghostcrawler
- [TrinityCore] Item Swapper
- [TrinityCore] Gm chat blue
- [TrinityCore] [Wotlk - Cata] Reset player Cooldown on boss kill
- [TrinityCore] Global Chat w/ Class Colors [EZ Editing]
- [TrinityCore] [WotLK] TrinityCore 2 Gold Max Work-Around
- [TrinityCore] Duel Reset + Config
- [TrinityCore] Guild House fix for TC Cataclysm
- [TrinityCore] Dress NPCs coremod
- [TrinityCore] Theme Manager - Gurubash Arena (3.3.5a)
- [TrinityCore] [C++] Kezahn.cpp Patch 4.3.4
- [TrinityCore] Custom heal command release
- [TrinityCore] C++ - Customizing MSG_SAY
- [TrinityCore] BountyHunter Updated :D
- [TrinityCore] How to "Remove" 32747 Stat Cap! TrinityCore 4.3.4
- [TrinityCore] World Chat with ICON
- [TrinityCore] Multi-Teleporter
- [TrinityCore] Npc morpher for the item reward
- [Trinitycore] PATCH Crossfaction Battleground Updated and Fixed TDB 58
- [TrinityCore] Npc Morphs Titles Mounts Buffs PVP Token
- [TrinityCore] Beastmaster Script
- [TrinityCore] [Recoded] C++ TrinityCore PhasingSystem
- [SkyFireEmu] [PATCH] Updated Opcodes MoP 5.4.8 by Dr.Core aka CoC
- [TrinityCore] Crafter/exchanger NPC
- [SkyFireEmu] BurningBerserk NPC Script ( 85% Finished )
- [TrinityCore] Crossfaction Battlegrounds [Errors]
- [TrinityCore] Talent Chooser
- [TrinityCore] Huge repository of scripts! Now in Technicolor!
- [TrinityCore] 3.3.5 Copying gear commands from another players by Natureknight
- [TrinityCore] Darkmoon Faire Script
- [TrinityCore] [C++] NPC Professions
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