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26-07-08, 07:04 AM #1
*Revised* PoM Guide to Leveling 1 - 80
by Nastal @ US forum
*Disclaimer* This may change after more gameplay. This is just my opinion and advice I would give if asked. Everyone has their own way of doing things.
Since I've heard alot about what Feats to get. Where to level and Good Combo's to level with I decided to form this post.
Below I will describe leveling builds. Where, what and when on AoE leveling.
Renew Mana - Max every level.
Mana Attractor - Set to half of the max for every level.
Casting Consentration - 100. Only raise after when you get interrupted.
Climbing - Highest you will need is 600 that I have come across.
Hiding - 30 So you can hide from other players.
All other skills are personal refrence like Run Speed, Perception etc. Bandaging and Recovery are completely useless to Priests. Use potions if needed.
Gear while leveling:
Max Health - Gives you a health boost.
Max Mana - Increases your mana pool.
Wisdom/Magic Damage - Increases Damage from spells (Supposedly)
Mana/Health/Stam Regen - Increases the rate of regeneration to your Stam/Mana/Health.
While solo grinding make sure to use:
S - Solo
H - Healing
I - Is
E - Easier
L - Less
D - Damage
Use a Book/Staff when grouping and not taking any incoming damage from players or NPC's for better stats.
Nastal's AoE Feat Build:
I know there is many builds out there that are playable or may excell in one area or another. I prefer to speak upon my experience rather then the experience of others.
This is my level grinding build at level 80. Been AoE grinding with a mixture of quests since mid 40's. I have to say this has been very easy with practice. You will be grinding most of your levels post 50.
< Some points you may not be able to put in right away. Save them untill you can. This is how the points should be spent based off amount per level. Example: 24-25 Revivication (You wont be able to put your point in at 24, wait till you hit 25 then put both in). >
Start in the Vengeance feat tree.
10-14 Improved Smite
15-19 Cleansing Fire
20-23 Holy Vengeance
24-25 Revivication (2 points only)
26-28 Glowing Radiance
29 Searing Light (Wont be able to spend point untill level 30)
30-33 Ether Flow
34-38 Lance of Mitra
39-42 Divine Lance
43-44 Far-Reaching Spirit
45-47 Grace
48-51 Presence of Mind
52-56 Holy Accession
57 Clarity of Mind
58-61 Wrath of Mitra
62-64 Force of Will
65-67 Purification
68-70 Improved Repulse
70-74 Holy Surge
75-78 Overwhelming Light
79 Avatar of Mitra
80 Empowered Repulse
Here is what the build would look like at 80.
This is ofcourse my opinion as of being level 80. I havent had any trouble grinding or PvP for that matter. Feel free to criticize my build or give constructive feedback.
Spell Rotation:
Smite > WoL > Repulse > Lance > Cleansed Fire > Radiance > Lance.
Leveling 1-80:
*Always try to select the instance with the least amount of people in your area. If you find your area crowded, change instances untill you find something more suitable. Also do quests. They are few later in the levels so enjoy them while you can.*
1-20: Tortage
Quest here, 1-5 is self explanitory. Once your in the Multiplayer part, start your destiny quests. If you happen to be below the required level to continue your destiny questline then I suggest going to Acheronian Ruins first then White Sands followed by underhalls last. I got to 20 before doing my final destiny quest.
20-24: Wild Lands of Zelata
You can get here by going to Old Tarantia and going to the SW gate. Pickup as many quests in town as you can then start knocking them out. AoE grinding isn't really needed as much before 35-45.
24-32: Conall's Valley
To get to here you need to go to Conarch Village in Cimmeria. If your leaving Wild Lands head back to Old Tarantia then use the West Gate to get to Conarch. Once in Conall Valley you will have a few quests you can pickup in Conarch for the beginning part of the zone. Optionable to skip these. You want to make your way to Cimmerian Settlement to start your quests. Also quest hubs are at Mountain Glade, Cascade Falls and Gravesinger gives a couple. You will find plenty of quests and a few elite quests for some decent gear to obtain.
32-35: Wild Landz of Zelata
After completing Conall Valley head back to Wild Lands, there is a slew of quests to get here again. You will be getting quests for Border Range aswell. I suggest completing every quest in Wild Lands before doing the Border Range quests. Before heading to Border Range make sure to pickup the quest from Fabio in Old Tarantia in the Market District. His chain leads to a Sanctum of Burning Souls quest.
35-36: Outflow Tunnels
After completing Wild Lands and Border Range you will have a couple quests to do in here. Its decent XP and the mobs arent too bad. Also you need to complete this for a Sanctum quest from Fabio. Also explore around to find the Sarcophogus it has a book on it that starts another Sanctum quest aswell.
*Optional* 35-37: Sanctum of the Burning Souls
You can get here in Wild Lands, after completing all of Border Range, Tesso and Zelata quests you should have quite a few quests here to do. You need to find a group for this instance and make sure everyone is atleast 35+.
*Optional* 35-40: Wild Lands of Zelata
The VERY NE part of the map there is Vanir Camps galore! You can get here by following the road North from the Lynx's, there is also a ressurection point up here. Great if you die you are still close to getting back into action. If you happen to run out of quests and dont want to go to Kopshef for questing then there is an extraordinary place to AoE grind here. Take some practice and alot of running but your constantly killing it seems. Took me about 2 1/2 hours to grind 35-40 out.
*Early 40's you can choose between two different zones. Field of the Dead or Tarantia Noble District.*
40-43: Field of the Dead
Directly connected with Conall Valley. Questhub at Crossroads, Foothills, Stream Bridge. Follow the quests here in this zone while leveling. Like I previously stated. Quest as much as you can they are few later in the levels.
43-45: Tarantia Noble District
You can get here by crossing the bridge in Old Tarantia from the Trade District. Alot of good quests you can do here. Some are bugged some are not. The bugged quests for killing the NPC's seem to work if you do them in "Epic Instanced" mode. Also start your arena chains. Your gonna wanna come back to finish at 54.
45-50: Field of the Dead
Directly connected with Conall Valley. Quest Hubs at Lookout Point and Stream Bridge. Doing these with a little mix of grinding should get you to 50 without any problems. Also don't forget to try and do the Death to the Vanir line. Decent XP and good blue reward at the end.
50-60: Eiglophian Mountains
Direct connected with Field of the Dead in the SE. Quest Hubs at Main Town, Hunting Lodge and a few around the roads as you travel. Can do some decent grinding in Cannibal Cave once your 52. Later in the levels you can grind out 60 in the Vanir Camps West of Hunting Lodge.
60-62: Thunder River
You can get here through Poltain. Quest Hubs in the town and across the adjacent bridges. Decent grinding on Cannibal Camps on the SouthEast part of the zone. Quest as much as possible.
62-72: Atzel's Approach
You can get here through Lachiesh Plains. Quest Hubs by Entrance and at the First Rez point. Quests will start becoming scarse. So you may have to grind some on one of the few camps I mention below on my AoE Hotspots section.
72-80: Keshetta
You can get here through Purple Lotus Swamp. A few quests to do here, although I suggest saving them for level 79. Can easily knock out half a level through the quests at 79. AoE grind alot here, look below on locations.
AoE Hotspots:
**When doing most of your AoE leveling. Its generally best to get a group together. Experience is still spectacular and you have more ability to control your area. If on PvE server, just hope the spots aren't taken already. Make sure to have the highest level apprentice everyone.**
My AoE Group Make-up.
We have yet to lose a spot unless swarmed by 80's. Keep HoT's stacked and Damage going and you will survive huge groups or another attacking group trying to take over your camp. WoL doesn't stack with other priests HoT's (Unless you outlevel your companions by 3+ levels) so only keep up Emanation of Life.
Priest of Mitra
Tempest of Set
Herald of Xotli
Bear Shaman
Eiglophian Mountains
53-57: Cannibal Caves - Directly East of Hunting Lodge.
57-60: Vanir Camps - West of Hunting Lodge.
Atzel's Approach
60-65: Vanir Camps - Before Skammestein.
65-69: Vanir Camps - Skammestein.
69-73: Vanir Camps - Fortress.
73-76: Cohort Camp - SE of Entrance.
76-80: Death Master Camp - SE of Main Town.
Good Leveling Duo's:
Herald of Xotli - After enough practice the both of you can do well together for PvE and really well at PvP. They have good AoE from Hellfire Breath to compliment yours.
Tempest of Set - By far the best class to Duo with in my opinion. Whenever I have grouped with a ToS. We were able to clear camps 5x faster then I could solo. Also as a duo you are hard to kill unless you are extremely outleveled. Anyone 5+ and below in groups of 4 or less you should dominate.
Demonologist - Great AoE and a Damage Absorbtion shield. They kinda suck earlier in the levels but they really shine 40+.
Necromancer - Same as the Demonologist but takes a bit more dedication. Alot of people have been turned off by this class Because they are completely lackluster early in the levels. Necro's really compliment you well though later in the levels with all their minions to boost your stats.
Helpfull Links:
Conan Armory - Feat Calculators, Playefield Maps etc.
AoC Wiki - General Information about anything AoC. Great site.
Curse Gaming - Customize your UI by getting UI Mod's here.
Level 80 Builds:
PvE Spec:
(Current spec for PvE Raiding).
Lance of Mitra - Damage and Healing spell, very usefull for spike healing.
Divine Lance - Makes LoM heal on damage.
Sacred Lance - Improved range of the Healing radius effect from LoM.
Vengeance: Early talents arent as important so I'll start where it matters.
Glowing Radiance - +5% Melee/Ranged/Magic Damage when casting Radiance.
Revivication - Places EoL when your struck by melee attacks on yourself.
Guiding/Empowered Hand of Mitra - With more talents increased the duration of HoM to 12.5 seconds and makes it an instant cast spell.
Determination - Decreases the casting time of all your CC spells allowing you to get that CC spell off faster.
Relentless Faith - Increases the duration of your CC/Debuff and HoM spells.
Immortal Spirit - Key talent in PvE raiding, Increases your EoL from 13 to 20 seconds and WoL from 20 to 30 seconds, allowing more time for DPS in between keeping your HoT's up.
Ether Flow - Increased Mana Regeneration, very needed to maintain a healthy mana pool.
Far-Reaching Spirit - Gives your Radiance spell a +2 Meter range.
Spirit Armor - Increased your base stats to +3% for melee damage.
Guiding Spirit - Makes WoL recast time go away, allowing you to spam heal this spell.
Presence of Mind - Makes your Radiance spell Instant with no casting time. In clutch situation 1.5 seconds could mean to death or life of yourself or your tank.
PvP Spec:
I have found the Divinity Tree to be more PvP oriented deeper in the tree than Vengeance. The above build Maximizes your DPS while giving you some key abilities for survival. Don't underestimate the power of Avatar of Mitra, a AoE stun that lasts for 5 seconds allowing your to get a free repulse on anyone effected by the stun.
Holy Vengeance is the key feat here, while Cleansed Fire and Revivication are just helpfull spells. Holy Vengeance when stacked with Wrath of Mitra, Exemplar basically increases your Holy damage by 150.
Ether flow/Far-Reaching Spirit/Spirit Armor/Presence of Mind are all longevity and survivability talents for PvP environments. Exemplar and Vengeance of the Gods are your damage modifiers for bursting down your enemy.
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